Every Year Ahmedabad Andhra Maha Sabha organizes Karthika Vana Bhojanam(picnic) in the month of November. On 13/11/22 picnic is arranged at Sapan exotica clubhouse, Dantali, Ahmedabad from 9:00 am onwards. In the event provided Breakfast, Lunch, and High tea. 230+ people attended the event.
One drama “Kundeti Kommu “ (photo with dead body) got first prize in the South Indian Drama competition organised by ASIA. It was directed by Late Sri Sai Prasad Alhari.
Sri DRM Samudraiah,Junior Dhulipala garu, Late SK Pathan Babu garu, Late Sai Prasad A, SV Raghava Rao garu, R Govind garu and few more.
CVS Rao garu helped as interpreter to to judges.
This is also one of the great Mile stone.